BACC Charitable Partnership Raises Nearly $30K for Burlington Charities Through Black Tie Gala

Last month, the BACC was proud to present our charitable partners from last month's Black Tie Gala with the funds that were raised from the event. Thanks to all of our generous sponsors and the Burlington community, we were able to raise nearly $30,000 for these worthy causes! Thank you to Burlington, MA WomenadePeople Helping PeopleHELPISMISSION of DEEDS, Inc., and Wee Care Burlington for the important work you do to make our community a better place!

The charities involved in the Black Tie Gala were truly grateful for the efforts of the BACC and their events committee, along with the support from the Burlington business community, especially the sponsors who helped fund the event and contributed to the donation total that was presented to each of the charities. We spoke with representatives from each of the 5 charities involved to hear about what they thought of this year's event, and how becoming a part of the BACC Charitable Partnership Program has impacted their organizations.

Donna Russo, Wee Care Burlington: “[The BACC] has put us in touch with lots of people who have been able to help financially, and just to help spread the word which has been fantastic. And then obviously the work with the gala, and all of the people that we come in contact with.

Julie Lewis, People Helping People: “[The BACC] gives us legitimacy and credibility, people know that we’re a reputable organization, and they get to learn about what we do, and the Chamber’s support through the gala, and through other events, helps just get the word out.”
“I feel like we’re really plugged into the business community and that’s really a huge credit to the Chamber, through networking and all the events and everything.”

David McIsaac, Mission of Deeds: “I was really struck by the giving spirit of not only the Chamber itself, but everyone there. It was really about the charities and how they couple support them, finding out what their missions are, and how they can get involved. It wasn’t just an event where you kind of glossed over the non-profits. It was really focused on the work being done in Burlington and how we can uplift each other and make sure that people in need are supported. So, I was really struck by the tremendous energy and giving spirit that was present."
“We met so many people that night that did not know that we offer free pick ups in Burlington, and the wheels started turning when we were talking to everybody. ‘Oh I can talk to this person, I can talk to that person’. Met some real estate agents in Burlington, so the contribution is wonderful, but also word of mouth getting our name out there is just as valuable too.”

Joyce Deliyiannis, HELPIS: “With the Chamber doing the Gala, it was one of the greatest things, to honor all the non-profits in the area, in the town, and also connecting the sponsors, the donors, and give the opportunity, because the Chamber is an opportunity for everyone. It’s an opportunity to meet people, to connect, to expand your business, to promote your organizations, for people to feel belonging, make friendships, make relationships. It’s extremely important.”
"It’s very important, it’s extremely important. It’s almost like the glue, and I love the people in it, I was never interested before but it’s the people that make the Chamber. People are attracted to the people, not to the word ‘Chamber’, not the logos, it’s the people that attracts them. Then, they search and say, ‘Wait a minute, who is this person? What does this person do?’ It’s the people, and it’s always the people.”

Korey Barkley, Burlington Womenade: Everyone who attended had a fabulous time! There are so many benefits [of the Chamber]! In addition to the donations that come from the Gala, we have been able to make so many connections at member events. We have definitely raised more money since becoming members and feel even more supported.